The whole industry will be in Cannes in 2024 !

Le Forum, created in 2003 for vending industry professionals, is an unique experience that has succeeded in bringing the key players in vending and unattended retail together. In 2024, the 12th edition of the Forum will welcome EVEX to France.

Vidéo 2022



exhibitors/sponsors already confirmed

management companies/already confirmed

• Modin Lachaud Distribution • Passion Café Service • Selecta France • FDA • AZ Distribution Automatic • IVS France • SDA • Distridrinks • Planete DA • Eau & Cie • DABB Distribution • Velay Matic • Igloo DA • Mokamatic • Caron Service • Delice Matic • EVS Professionnel France • CEDAF • Serdis / Innodes / PAP / SOFiPA • Approdia  • Miamx Distribution • 3Bda Expresso • AMC • Sodex • Ovalys • Vending Tradition • Avantages Café • L’Instant Café • Distri Matic Service • Forza Café • Dallmayr Distribution Automatique • Casale Expresso • Diva & Devient • Cofity Service • DA 43 • Café & Chocolat • JCB • SAS Litha • ANS • SO I DAC • Fountain Group • DAAB • SFD Delice Distribution • ABS Caro • ACS Pause Café • Mend’s • Denoyelle Distribution • MaxiCoffee • Mila Distribution • GT Sud Ouest • Vouillaume Distribution • AS Lux  • Provea • Solution café • Meremabe • Dispsamatic • Bibal Vending •  Proxi Pause • France Pause PME • Coffee Choc • My Box • Sovedis  • C’est la Pause • Ekibé • L’agence Café • Codeco • Louis DA • Idealp • SAS DCA • Servidis • M2AS • Actuel Distribution • Cafeomatic • LDA • Coffee’s • Groupe DAP • MJDA • FMD Aromatic• Groupe Poulain • Cafés Albert • Torredis • 2AD • Alsacafé • Au Bon Café Distribution • BDA Distribution • Nodis 95 • Neocorner  • NCS Fraiche Cancan • D8 • Canecao • MT Distribution • DIAAM • Kafeta • Point Regional L • Prestomatic• Coin Café • QMCB My Green Shop • ADL • KDA • ACD • Tout-O-Mat • IVS Group • Vendingland • Delta Café • DGA Vending •BDS Vending Solutions • AutomatSpec • AMFM Vending • Coca Cola Hellenic • Vending@work • Damaster Group •MAAS International • café+co International • O’Fresh Vending Solutions • City-M  •  Coffee & Drink Systems • Alliance Vending • Gavending • AURORAcafé • Coffee Center i Sverige •  Ave Coffee • Delikia • NVCS • City vending Services • Cami …


Le Forum-EVEX is a unique networking opportunity. Throughout the event, guests can take the time to get to know each other, exchange ideas and share their views on the challenges facing the industry.


Le Forum-EVEX is a unique opportunity to take the time to attend a series of conferences and professional workshops focusing on the issues facing the profession.


Le Forum-EVEX is a place to discover the various partners and sponsors around demonstration and meeting areas.


Le Forum-EVEX is developing a personalised App that will enable participants to connect, meet and continue conversations.


Le Forum-EVEX is an opportunity to take the time to meet your representative professional organisation. Since Le Forum 2021, the French Vending Association (NAVSA) has been sponsoring and actively contributing to the development of Le Forum. Because the challenges facing the profession are also regulatory, legislative and public, it is up to everyone to rally around their representative body.


This year, Le Forum will be hosting EVEX (the European Vending Experience), organised every year by the European Vending & Coffee Service Association (EVA). Together, Le Forum and EVEX will give you the opportunity to meet the major players who shape the European market. It's also an opportunity for French professionals to come and compare their vision and practices with those of their European counterparts.


16th October 2024

8:00 – 12:00 •Welcoming suppliers and guests

12:30 • Opening lunch at the Carlton beach on the Croisette sponsored by :

14:00 – 19h00 • Discover the stands – One-to-One meetings
14:00 – 14:30 • Panel discussion: Euro Talks ‘Exchange on the challenges and best practices of European operators’
14:35 – 14:45 • Pitch BWT water+more
15:00 – 15:10 • Pitch Avangard
15:15 – 15:25 • Pitch Smart break
15:30 – 15:40 • Pitch Animo
15:45 – 16:15 • Panel discussion: How to optimise sales in snack vending machines ?
16:05 – 16:45 • Gourmet Coffee Break sponsored by:

16:45 – 16:55
• Pitch Televend
17:00 – 17:10 • Pitch Worldline
17:15 – 17:25 • Pitch Selfly Store
17:30 – 17:50 • NAVSA workshop: Breach of contract: explanations and how to avoid it
19:30 – 20:30 • Opening Plenary Conference / Welcome Cocktail:  Vending, is coffee still the driving force?

20:30 – 23:55 • LE FORUM / EVEX / NAVSA Gala dinner. Celebrating 30 years of EVA

17th October 2024

09:00 • One-to-one meetings
09:00 – 10:45 • EVA General Assembly Meeting
10:00 – 10:10 • Pitch Meal Revolution
10:15 – 10:25 • Pitch Boost Inc
10:45 – 11:15 • Gourmet Coffee Break
11:00 – 11:30 • Panel discussion: Smart Vending – the challenges of connected catering
11:25 – 11:35 • Pitch 365 Retail Markets
11:40 – 11:50 • Pitch Novelpay
11:55 – 12:05 • Pitch Brita
12:30 – 14:00 • Lunch in the Carlton gardens sponsorised by:

14:00 – 14:45 • Conference: Towards a more responsible vending industry
15:00 • Optional EVEX cultural activity
15:00 – 15:10 • Pitch Cantaloupe
15:15 – 15:25 • Pitch N-and Group
15:30 – 15:40 • Pitch Transaction Systems
15:40 – 16:10 • NAVSA workshop: Providing food: what’s at stake? Challenges & threats
16:00 – 16:40 • Gourmet Coffee Break sponsored by:

16:45 – 16:55 • Pitch Castles Technology
17:00 – 17:45 • Conference:  What the client wants & what the consumer expects
19:30 • Departure for the White evening with the innovation awards
Mocktails bar sponsored by:

18th October 2024

9:00 • Gourmet brunch around the stands in the Carlton lounges

13:00 • End of the event



For all those who are professionally active and all those who want to deepen their vision of an evolving profession. Two and a half days in Cannes, two sector-specific evenings bring together all the guests and partners. A focus on the core business and personal contact with the vending and coffee sector in France and in Europe. Le Forum aims to highlight the day-to-day activities of operators, sales and OCS professionals, roasters, and new players in 24/7 unattended retail.
Jean Yves Frantz Food Markets consultant and editor-in-chief of Foods&Coffee Markets. With over 20 years' experience of working with companies to understand their needs, he keeps a European watch on market changes, whether social, economic or environmental. Issues that are part of the expectations of those who place orders with vending and OCS professionals.
The EVA is a not-for-profit trade association founded in 1994, which represents the interests of the entire European coffee service and vending industry vis-à-vis the institutions of the European Union and other competent authorities or bodies. The EVA is an international association governed by Belgian law and its members are both national vending associations and companies.

The mission of the EVA is:
- To protect, promote and lead the self-service coffee, food and beverage and point-of-use (POU) industry.
- To provide a single voice for the self-service coffee, food and beverage and point-of-use industry in Europe.
- To become the reference organisation for the provision of industry data and information to all relevant stakeholders.
The French National Federation of Automatic Sales and Services, which brings together all the professionals involved in vending in France (equipment operators, equipment manufacturers and importers, food manufacturers and companies providing so-called "associated" services), is sponsoring this year's Automatic Sales Forum organised by Edyevent. NAVSA is the sector's only professional employers' organisation, with more than 1,000 operating companies, 55,000 employees in France, annual sales of €2.9 billion and more than 600,000 sales outlets nationwide. As such, NAVSA is the voice of companies in the sector, which it represents to public authorities while ensuring the defense of their interests vis-à-vis the public decision-makers. The federation is a founding member of the European industry trade representative, the European Vending and Coffee Service Association (EVA). NAVSA is a member of the Confederation of Wholesale and International Trade (CGI), which brings together 32 wholesale employers' federations, representing more than 22,000 companies and 450,000 jobs in France.



A successful format that brings the industry together for learning and networking


A good way to discover the latest trends and market prospects


A great way to meet new partners and sponsors of the event


An event to highlight your innovations in front of French and European professionals


A location in Cannes which allows you to enjoy a unique location at the Carlton, with privileged access

Request for a supplier registration

Register for Le Forum-EVEX 2024, which will take place in Cannes from 16 to 18 October!


Julie Barth

+32 (0)475 61 28 63

Alexandra Frantz

+33 (0)6 61 47 37 11

Jean-Yves Frantz

+33 (0)6 62 71 17 79

Intense, professionnel et convivial

Pour tous ceux qui sont actifs professionnellement et tous ceux qui veulent approfondir leur vison d’un métier en pleine évolution. Deux jours et demi à Cannes, deux soirées sectorielles regroupent l’ensemble des invités et partenaires. Focus sur le cœur de métier et le contact personnel du secteur de la distribution et du café en France et en Europe. Le Forum entend mettre l’accent sur les activités quotidiennes des opérateurs, des professionnels de la vente et de l’OCS, des torréfacteurs, des vitrines connectées et nouveaux acteurs de la restauration non assistée 24/7.